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Rentaka - PICCHI Kereopa 3
  • PICCHI Kereopa 3 - "Rentaka"

    Color: Ginger & Brown

    DOB: April 4, 2022

    Wattles: 2


    IKHR: IKHR 33273

    AKKPS: 33421


    COI: AKKPS 4.3519%


    Ren was bred by our friends at Picchi Farm, Thier first Kunekune was Uno's baby Frankie and Ren is his granddaughter! She is one of the sweetest most gentle piglets we have ever met. She love to talk and just always wants to snuggle and cuddle. She loves cuddling so much she will climb all over you, so you have to be careful to not let her step on your feet.

    Rentaka - PICCHI Kereopa 3

    • Halbert Farm Boris  8 - Frankie