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"Willy Wonka" (Puck) - BPK Whakanui 1
  • BPK Whakanui Willy Wonka

    Color: Brown

    DOB: June 30, 2020

    Wattles: 2


    AKPR: 19762


    If you have been following me for a while on Instagram you may know that we tragically lost 2 of our pigs in October 2019. A neighbor shot and killed them after they got out and were eating acorns in his front yard.  Possum who was born on our farm was only 6 months old and Tuck who was to be the herd site had just turned a year old. We decided to name this special little piglet "Puck" in rememberance of Possum and Tuck. 




    "Willy Wonka" (Puck) - BPK Whakanui 1

    • AKPR 11627 LDF Whakanui 4